Saturday 19 March 2022

Learning Sign Language (Bisindo)

Hello, world

A few months ago, Sahal and his family went to a coffee shop named Toko Kopi Tuku. While waiting, as usual, Sahal explored that shop until he stopped longer in front of wallboard. 

It turns out he found a picture with sign language. He was very interested and asked his mom to take a picture with a phone camera then he can learn it later. 

His mom never thinks that after, Sahal turns out to learn that language seriously until Sahal shows his family some words using his hands.

He was even able to explain that there are 2 types of sign language which are SIBI and Bisindo. And what he saw first at Tuku was Bisindo. He learns continuously from other sources by searching in Google. 

Then, his mom looked for a Google Apps and found a good app named "Belajar Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia"

The app is very interactive with some quizzes inside. Until he found the information about the private class to learn sign language from a teacher. 

After some consideration, his mom agrees to enroll him to join the class. And here is the photo of his first session last week with teacher Martha.

So, what are the purposes for the 8 years old kid to learn this new skill?

  • To add to the portfolio of his interests and talents. So, later we can focus to improve his strength as an individual.
  • Maybe this new skill can be one of his career goals later
    • Is it good to have this kind of career?
    • As long as it makes him happy with his choice, and this skill is valuable to help people and still give earnings, why not? 


Saturday 12 March 2022


Hi World, 

This is the first article on this blog. 

I want to explain a bit what is the meaning of

It comes from the names of my three sons. They are:

  • Sayyid
  • Sahal
  • Salman
Photo: when ate Pop Mie (cup noodle) :D 
Sayyid is the first son whose 3,5 older than Sahal. Sahal is the second son whose 2.5 older than Salman. 

You can find them as well on Instagram with the account
On that social media, I post not only pictures about my kids, but also our furry families. 
But actually, I am not actively posting on Instagram. 
So here, I would like to share the story about them and maybe the story of my furry kids as well :) 

Ohya, we're living in Indonesia.
I am using English here because it's part of my effort to improve my English writing skills as well.

If you find improper English, feel free to correct me. 

Thank you ^.^